Monday, September 30, 2013

[REVIEW] Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Health and Well-being

Title: Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Health and Well-being
Author: Dr. Elaine R. Ferguson, M. D.
Publisher: HCI Books
ISBN-10: 0757317529
ISBN-13: 9780757317521
Number of Pages: 288
Release Date: Oct 1, 2013

Blurb: From Hippocrates in ancient Greece to the medical healers of today, the impact that the mind-body connection has had on overall health has been widely recognized. And while advancements in technology are vast, the constraints of conventional medicine are an impediment to successfully preventing, reversing, or addressing the causes of chronic diseases—diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, arthritis, acid reflux, cancer, and more. At times, these advancements have even proven fatal.

In Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Health and Well-being, Dr. Elaine Ferguson uses an integrative approach to healing as a way of eradicating the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual limitations—illustrated from the real-life stories she has witnessed throughout her medical career—that lead to chronic diseases and imbalance.

Review: Just reading this book made me feel better! I was even relaxing while reading it....

Throughout the book, Dr. Ferguson talks not just about genetics, but more importantly about how stress affects the mind-body connection. We also learn the distinctions between feelings, thoughts, and emotions and how both positive and negative emotions factor into one's health.

It really struck a cord with me, since I'm experiencing some health issues. I was already aware that our health is affected by our feelings, thoughts and emotions, but it was very interesting to have someone put words on how.

I found it very interesting that the author mentions how a mind-body approach to healing helped healthcare workers who experienced compassion fatigue after hurricanes Katrina and Rita, since I have read and reviewed Lying Down in the Ever-Falling Snow which deals with compassion fatigue in medical professionals.

I also found support for something I've believed for a long time:
Being optimistic and experiencing good things to happen relates to better health. Positive emotions help us to develop hardiness and resilience (the ability to transcend out challenges) when they are firmly grounded by self-awareness and acceptance.
This book is definitely a keeper!

For more information about superhealing and the author, visit the her websites and How To Get Well faster.

Rating: 4 bookshelves out of 5.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site were usually provided at no cost by the publisher or author. This book has been provided by HCI Books for the purpose of a review.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

[REVIEW] Perfect People

Title: Perfect People
Author: Peter James
Publisher: Minotaur Books
ISBN-10: 1466845414
ISBN-13: 9781466845411
Number of Pages: 496
Release Date: September 1, 2013

Blurb: When a young couple learn they are both carriers of a gene likely to give their children a rare genetic disease, they visit a secret clinic for a 'designer baby.' But it does not all work out as planned...

Review: Since I myself am a person with genetic "anomalies", I find books on mutants/designer babies very interesting.

Around 70 pages in I was still not sure what I thought about this one. While the subject is one I have very strong feelings about, the "choppy" writing - with very short chapters, some no longer than a few pages - annoyed me in places. I got the feeling too many things were left out.

One of the main characters, Naomi, is very likable. I want to say I liked John, too, but he was just too...flat for my liking. He didn't really pop out of the page that much. And why was there no real mention of him speaking Swedish with fellow Swedes? I really doubt he spoke English with them. I'm a Swedish anglophile myself, but I never speak English to Swedes when we're alone.

But on the subject of John being Swedish, there was something I found very funny: his and Naomi's last name is Klaesson. John is from Örebro, Sweden. My wife's from Örebro and her family's named Klaesson.... :-)

For the most part, I liked the plot. The way the pregnancy turns out...well, I'm not going to spoil it for you, but I found it very exciting and interesting. It definitely gave me food for thought!

The ending was one I had not really anticipated. It was a lot better than I had imagined it would be.

All in all, a good book.

Rating: 4 bookshelves out of 5.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site were usually provided at no cost by the publisher or author. This book has been provided by St. Martin's Press for the purpose of a review.