Sunday, January 4, 2015


Well, that was a long, unexpected hiatus! First I got married. Then I had more health issues than before (And here I thought I was doing okay health wise - must have been marriage bliss!).

After that, I managed to get a job training position at a school for adult ed. In the library! Yay! Only, the yay soon was exchanged for ow. My already achy and kind of broken body just couldn't handle being hunched over a typewriter (!) writing index cards, digging through boxes full of donations, and shelving.

It was with sadness I went on sick leave that lasted from February to August of last year. Then, in August, I was deemed unfit to work and put on permanent disability/retired.

Needless to say, I was -and still am - very saddened by this whole thing. My reading has definitely been affected. I have chronic pain in several parts of my body, which makes it difficult to read print books (it's been months since I picked up 11.22.63....). 

But I still manage to read quite a bit (around 50 books in 2013, and100 books in 2014), in part due to the DAISY player the local library has loaned me. I'm also reading some shorter books in paperback, such as Fay Weldon's Seize the Day. My goal is to read 100 books this year too. And to review them here.

By now, this blog entry is getting as long as those short books I'm reading, so I'll shut up now. I just wanted you to know why I've been gone, and that I plan on coming back.